NASA/JPL Human Interfaces | 2012
UI, Logo, Poster, Video, Storyboarding, Layout, 3D
While working as an intern with JPL’s Human interface group I worked on a variety of projects ranging from, 3d/2d User Interfaces, Iconography, Posters, Branding, Video and Information graphics
The poster displays the words of curiosity the rover, as a persona:

Poster of Mars Science Rover "Curiosity"
26" x 36" Mosaic print

The poster was used for a backdrop on the news as well as a print inside of their office in Pasadena.
All images are real satellite photographs of Mars Gale Crater provided by Alex Menzies of JPL.

Poster for NASA Astronomy Musical

Title sequence for all prototype video presentations for the Human Interfaces Group

Concept Video for Z-Space 3D virtual reality controller

A Prototype Interface for 3D video Game Control in Xbox Kinect
A video game from concept, to coded prototype with Charlie Goddard in 8 hours.

On Hover Map Icon for a “google map” style application

The Human Interfaces team, was re-branding themselves as team "Conductor" as a
conductor is the coordinator/commander of group or an interface. We finally decided to
take a spin putting technology and electricity at the center as the conductor concept for
circuit boards, since NASA is so tech driven.

Human Hand + Conductors Experiment

Final Conductor Logo
Human Interfaces Group Team Video

Storyboard for MSL Parody Video

Human Interaction Demo for Xbox Kinect MSL video game release

Brand, Book, Posters, and Interactive Web Poster
In collaboration with Rebecca Mendez, Peter Lunenfeld and Nancy Tsang we developed a brand campaign to address the Climate Crisis of 2012.
The Brand Campaign:
A Printed poster size booklet
Story of the climate crisis via web
An Interactive web poster
A Physical lasercut "Shift key" sign

Interactive Web Poster made with Processing

Brand, Logo, Website, EPs
Leeuw approached me with the concept of making a brand that is “female empowering, soft, yet strong”. Leeuw means lion in Dutch, so we decided to not literally use a lion but incorporate the female lioness feeling of strength.

Waters EP

Waters Youtube Music Video Brand Usage
Previously named New York Bagels, Billie Lee transformed the space into Cafe Sundara. Sundara meaning beauty in sanskrit.

UCLA Design Media Arts Undergraduate Exhibition | 2012
Brand, Website, Poster Series, Postcards
In collaboration with Omar Lopez, Lucas Kazansky, Dawn Faelnar and Vlada Syrkin we as a team created 6 posters for the show, postcards, a website and curated the show. The 6 posters were made to fit together reinforcing the idea of us as a community working together.
Poster by Chris Phillips (1 of 6)

Poster by Lucas Kazansky (1 of 6)

I pitched the idea of utilizing a small crowdsourcing element to literally hybridize bring each artist together. I asked all of the 150+ students in the show to submit their own personalized Ampersand and used it for the background of the Web Poster.

Postcard designed by Omar Lopez.

Early Concept for The Show
